The case for sleep sedation dentistry has been widely discussed by researchers, dentists, and patients. In the end, your decision to opt-in to use sedation is dependent on your dental anxiety as well as your overall desire to use sedation. The three main types of sedation in dentists’ offices are inhalation, oral, and intravenous (IV) sedation. Depending on the intensity of your anxiety, each type of sedation will provide relief during your visit to the dentist. If you’re in the Queens NYC area, Park Dental Care offers all three if you are readily looking for sedation during your dentist visit.

Sleep sedation during dentistry can be useful if you do not wish to be aware of what is happening during a procedure. If you would like to be “knocked-out” during your dentist visit, an IV sedation is most likely the best option, whereas if you would like to be drowsy or relaxed, “laughing gas” can help numb your feelings. An even milder form of sedation is oral sedation, which would be something such as a muscle relaxer or anti-anxiety pill that is simply designed to provide a gentle, relaxed state during your visit.

For some patients, their consideration for sedation in dentistry is based on specific fears, such as needles or blood extraction. If your fear is great enough to prevent you from keeping up with your dental hygiene, then sedation should certainly be discussed with your dentist. Many times, psychological techniques to calm anxiety are not sufficient. If this is the case, then sedation during your dental visit is something to strongly consider. Overall, if you believe sedation can help you visit the dentist, then ask your dentist about it.

There are many situations in which sedation may not be a good option, however. For example, many individuals feel they would like complete control of their bodies and feelings during their dental visit. Sedation during your visit will not provide you with the judgment or ability to be a rational communicator during the procedure and many people don’t like that loss of control.  Another perspective of many dentists is that relying on sedation to meet your fears will not allow you to overcome your fears for a variety of reasons.

In sum, sleep sedation dentistry is a terrific option for some people. Even dentists will use it for themselves or close family members because they believe it is a viable option for a painless and relaxing dental visit. However, always remember that it is your option whether you would like to be sedated or not. Many times patients feel pressured to have nitrous oxide or IV sedation simply because the dentist offers it, when the patient really does not have any desire to do so. Always, consult your dentist in an open and honest matter about whether sedation is right for you.

For more information about sedation dentistry in Queens, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist.  At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we can ensure that you feel comfortable and relaxed during your trip to the dentist.


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