One of the most common complaints people have when it comes to the look of their teeth is that they are not white enough or that their teeth’s brightness has dulled over time.  Bright white teeth are aesthetically pleasing and can go a long way towards portraying a healthy smile that is eye-catching and beautiful.  Aside from investing in laser teeth whitening or another type of whitening treatment, what can you do to better ensure that your teeth stay as bright and as white as possible?

Laser Whitening Treatments

If you are among the many people that place importance on the brightness and whiteness of your teeth, you’ll be happy to know that there are things you can do every day to keep your teeth shining their brightest.  For some, just following some routine steps is enough to keep teeth adequately bright.  There are those, however, that are not satisfied with the color or brightness of their teeth no matter what steps they take to prevent dulling and discoloration, or who have already succumbed to discoloration of their tooth enamel that makes them want to do something more proactive to enhance the look of their teeth.  For these people, there are a number of cosmetic dentistry options to consider, such as laser whitening treatments.

Before going into the treatment options available for whitening teeth, we’ll first touch on some of the things you can do on your own to prevent your teeth from yellowing or dulling over time.  The first recommendation is to avoid smoking.  Smoking cigarettes can cause teeth to yellow over time, in addition to the other negative health consequences that are associated with the habit.  The good news is that if keeping your teeth bright and white is very important to you, it may provide you with the incentive you need to kick your habit or to avoid starting in the first place.

Another culprit in staining and discoloration of teeth are some of the beverages we consume.  The most obvious culprits are coffee, tea and red wine, but soft drinks and acidic juices can also affect tooth enamel, causing the surface to yellow.

Discoloration of the tooth surface can also occur when you allow plaque and tartar to build up on the teeth.  That’s because staining agents are more likely to stain this material than the natural tooth enamel, making stains and discoloration more obvious.  To avoid plaque and tartar build-up, you need to stick to a stringent daily oral hygiene regimen that includes tooth brushing and flossing.  You should also visit your dentist at least twice per year for a professional cleaning to remove build-up that is not easily removed by at-home techniques.

If you tend to eat and drink a lot of foods and beverages that have staining ability, there are a few steps you can take to diminish the negative effect these foods will have on your tooth color.  For one, you can sip liquids that tend to discolor teeth through a straw so they come into less contact with the front surface of teeth.  You should also get into a habit of munching on crunchy foods, like celery, carrots and apples, after you eat foods that can stain your teeth.  These crunchy foods act like little toothbrushes, scrubbing away stubborn stains as you crunch.

If your everyday habits still leave you desiring brighter and whiter teeth, you have a number of options available to you.  You can use over-the-counter whitening products, like strips, toothpaste and mouthwash, although they tend to have only a very subtle effect.  Whitening trays that you receive from the dentist are more effective than any of the over-the-counter products you can find in stores, since they have higher concentrations of whitening ingredients.  The one drawback to this method, however, is that you have to wear them every day for a number of days or weeks in order to achieve maximum results.  The quickest and most effective way to dramatically whiten teeth, although also the most expensive option, is laser teeth whitening.  This procedure, which takes only one hour to complete, can leave your teeth shades whiter and can give you the brighter teeth you desire with ease.

For more information about laser teeth whitening or other options to brighten your smile, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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