If you are looking for a way to enhance the beauty of your teeth, you may be wondering if there is any difference between Lumineers® and traditional porcelain veneers.  The fact is that the former are simply a name brand option of veneers that are created from an ultra-thin patented porcelain material called Cerinate®.

The primary difference between this patented porcelain covering and other types of porcelain tooth coverings is that they can be created to be thinner than traditional versions of the cosmetic tooth enhancement.  This provides you with the same beauty and ability to conceal dental imperfections without the need to remove any portion of the tooth’s surface, which needs to be done when you have other types of veneers adhered to the front of your teeth.

What benefits Lumineers offer?

For one, it means that the process of applying Lumineers® is completely painless and quick.  Since there is nothing invasive that needs to be done to your teeth to prepare them to accept the tooth coverings, all you need to do is to go for one short visit with your dentist, during which a mold will be taken so the coverings can be precisely molded to fit your teeth.   You will not need to wear temporaries while your tooth covers are manufactured, since no tooth structure is removed during this visit.

You will also be able to select the proper color along with your dentist during this visit. If you are covering just one or a few teeth, your dentist will precisely match the shade to your existing tooth color.  For this reason, if you have any plans to enhance the brightness of your natural tooth color with a whitening procedure, you should consider doing this before you have your Lumineers® procedure done so you can match the shade to your newer, whiter coloring. However, if you are planning on covering all of your front teeth with the thin porcelain coverings, then there is no need to whiten your teeth, since you can select a shade of your choice.

Once your veneers are fabricated in the lab, you will then return for a second visit with your dentist during which time the Lumineers® will be permanently adhered to the front surface of your tooth.  During this procedure, you don’t have to worry about any painless techniques because the veneers are simply checked for fit and shade and then adhered.  Then you can simply walk out of the office with bright, white teeth that are free from flaws and imperfections.

You can expect these patented veneers to last about the same amount of time as other traditional types of veneers that are made from porcelain, or even longer.  On average, with proper care, you can enjoy your cosmetically-enhanced teeth for approximately twenty years or more.  If for some reason you decide you want to remove the Lumineers® at any time, you should be able to do so since the underlying structure of your teeth is not compromised in order to affix this type of veneer to your teeth.

For more information about Lumineers® or other types of porcelain veneers, contact Park Dental Care in Queens at 718-274-1515.

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