Dental Care Checklist – How To Keep Your Smile Healthy

Keeping your smile healthy and looking great is not the most difficult thing in the world to do, but it does take a certain amount of attentiveness and dedication on your part.  The key to keeping your smile healthy is knowing what to do – and then doing it according to the recommended schedule.  Optimal dental health is achieved primarily through commitment to a daily routine of dental hygiene, combined with regularly scheduled visits to a dentist.

Why is it so important to keep your smile healthy?  Because in order to achieve an attractive smile, your teeth first need to be in optimal health.  Healthy teeth and gums look good and continue looking good, because they do not fall victim to tooth decay and gum disease.  Another good reason to keep your smile healthy?  It will save you money!  By keeping up with a strict dental regimen and keeping your teeth and gums healthy, you can avoid the need for more costly dental treatments down the road.

There are primarily only three main things that you need to commit to doing on a regular basis to keep your smile looking and feeling great.  These include:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day – Brushing your teeth is the best way to remove plaque, bacteria and food particles in your mouth that can otherwise lead to tooth decay, gum disease or bad breath.  If possible, you can even go one better than the twice-a-day brushing rule and clean off those pearly whites after each meal.
  • Floss daily – Flossing between your teeth is essential for optimal dental health.  By flossing daily, you are better able to remove plaque and bits of food that get stuck between your teeth or that are hard to reach through toothbrushing alone.  Many people neglect to floss their teeth, but a daily tooth flossing regimen can go a long way towards keeping your teeth and gums as healthy as they can be.
  • Visit your dentist regularly – Even if you remain committed to a daily at-home brushing and flossing schedule, it’s still important to see your dentist regularly.  You should schedule preventative dental visits twice per year.  During this visit, your teeth will be thoroughly cleaned using professional equipment that will reach areas that even your toothbrush and flossing can’t reach, ensuring that your teeth are as clean as possible.  Regular dental visits will also allow your dentist to observe any changes to your dental health and will allow any issues with your teeth to be addressed and treated before they become more extensive problems that require more involved (and expensive) treatment.

In addition to committing to doing the tasks at home that you need to on a daily basis to keep your smile looking healthy, it’s important to develop a relationship with a dentist that you feel comfortable with and that you can entrust with your dental care.  At Park Dental Care, we offer family preventative, restorative and cosmetic dentistry to NYC residents in an inviting and patient-centered environment.   Contact us today to find out how we can help you to maintain a beautiful and healthy smile! Call 718-Dentist or visit


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