Smile Makeovers:  Confidence Boosters?

Are you self conscious about some aspect of your smile?  You may be wondering if a smile makeover will provide the boost in confidence you seek, allowing you to go out in the world and feel more comfortable without worrying about the look of your teeth, gums or overall smile.  Smile makeovers, in fact, can be tremendous confidence boosters due to the fact that they can address any or all issues that affect your smile in negative ways – issues that often diminish your overall confidence levels.

What exactly is a smile makeover?  Essentially, it is a personalized and comprehensive assessment by a dental professional that evaluates and addresses any aspects of your smile that may be “less than ideal”.  There is no specific set of procedures that comprises a true smile makeover – the procedures selected to makeover any individual patient’s smile will depend in part on what aspects of their smile are in need of enhancement, and ultimately, what procedures the patient wishes to have completed.

Makeovers to a patient’s smile can be affected through one single procedure, such as teeth whitening or porcelain veneers, or they can entail a full range of cosmetic dental procedures, including crowns, dental implants, veneersteeth whitening and more.  In some cases, makeovers can include orthodontic treatments, including traditional metal braces or Invisalign, and can even include oral surgery procedures.  Basically, any procedure that is deemed necessary or desired by a patient in order to enhance the overall look of teeth, gums, lips and smile can be part of a smile makeover treatment protocol.

Getting back to the initial question – can a smile makeover boost confidence?  The answer in most cases is “yes”.  Smiles are one of the first things that people notice when they look at someone’s face, and can make a lasting impression, whether positive or negative, about a person’s overall look.  Even if a person’s teeth or their smile are aesthetically pleasing, if the person is self-conscious about a particular aspect or multiple aspects of their own smile, it can lower their confidence levels.  Something as simple as a laser teeth whitening procedure or cosmetic bonding to enhance the look of a chipped or discolored tooth can make a huge difference in a person’s overall self-confidence level.

So, if you are feeling a bit self conscious about any aspect of your smile, whether as a result of the color, alignment, shape or spacing of your teeth, the color of dental fillings, the health of your gums, or other aspects of your lips or jaw, consider having our NYC smile makeover specialists provide you with a comprehensive evaluation, as well as recommendations on dental treatments that can enhance the look of your smile and ultimately the way you present that smile to the world.

For more information about receiving a consultation for a smile makeover in Queens, contact Park Dental Care today at 718-Dentist.  At Park Dental Care of Astoria, we offer complete NY smile makeover assessments that are personalized based on the needs, desires and budgetary constraints of our patients.  We also offer a complete array of cosmetic and orthodontic treatment options to achieve enhanced smiles.  Queens residents, as well as those located throughout metropolitan NYC, will find that we are conveniently located near the N & Q subway lines at the Astoria-Ditmars Blvd. station.  Let us show you how a smile makeover can help you create the smile of your dreams!


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