SmileMakeoverWhen people hear the term “smile makeover”, they tend to think that it is a specific type of procedure designed to completely transform the look of a smile.  In fact, smile makeovers are composed of any variety of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures that a patient needs or desires.  Making over the look of a smile can be as easy as one simple procedure designed to put the “finishing touch” on an already straight, bright and beautiful smile, or it may involve a series of extensive and complicated procedures to realign bites, improve broken or cracked teeth, and whiten the coloring of existing teeth.  In some cases, makeovers improve upon the look of a patient’s existing teeth, while in others, the teeth are completed replaced or covered by something other than the “real” teeth.

As you can see, there are many ways to achieve a smile makeover, and each path to get there is different for each person.  But, whatever the ways you arrive at getting the smile of your dreams, there is no doubt that there are a number of benefits to doing so.  What are the benefits of a smile makeover, you may ask?  Is it really always worth the time, money and potential discomfort that may go along with the process?

The answer to those questions cannot be answered with a blanket statement.  What needs to be done to achieve a more beautiful smile, as well as the importance any particular person places on getting to that point, is a completely individualized thing.  What’s important to one person, no matter what the time or expense, may simply not be worth it to someone else.  So, deciding what’s “worth” it is totally up to you.  Here we can provide some of the general benefits for you to consider when making that determination.

Two Key Benefits of a Smile Makeover

Self Confidence – Many people that have “bad” teeth, or simply have things they don’t like about their smiles, are very self conscious about it.  Most will agree that a smile is one of the first things that people notice about a person when they meet them, so if you have a smile that is less than ideal, whether that perception is just in your own eyes or not, enhancing that smile can provide you with increased self confidence.  This feeling can impact how you feel about yourself, as well as how you present yourself to others, and can have a big effect in many aspects of your life, including business, family and social relations.

Improved Oral Health – Although some aspects of a smile makeover may be purely cosmetic, there are other aspects that can improve your overall oral health.  If you have chipped, cracked or broken teeth, or teeth that are negatively affected by decay, fixing or replacing those teeth can improve the overall health of your mouth.  An improper bite can affect chewing and speech, and partially decayed teeth can lead to further problems, such as the need for root canals, the development of infection or the advancement of gum disease.

Of course, there are many other benefits that come from enhancing the look and health of your teeth, but most of these benefits fall under one or both of these two key categories.  Each individual will have to determine their own cost-benefit ratio when it comes to deciding if a smile makeover is right for them, but the good news is that if you require multiple procedures to achieve that “perfect” smile, all procedures don’t have to be done at once, so you can go through with each one as you see fit.  It is best to discuss your overall needs, your desired ultimate outcome, and a plan that details how to get from where you are now to where you want your smile to be, with your dentist.

For more information about smile makeover, or to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist in Queens to discuss your smile makeover, contact Park Dental Care at 718-274-1515.

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