If you have dental problems that necessitate that you have a single false tooth or set of teeth placed into your mouth, one option you may be considering is a dental implant. This dental technique has grown in popularity in recent years due to the fact that dental implants provide “the next best thing” to a natural tooth, since the crown, bridge or denture that is attached to the implant can remain in place securely and permanently, just like a real tooth.
The first thing you need to know about dental implants is that they offer you a more permanent solution in comparison to certain other types of procedures. Dental implants consist of a permanent post (made of titanium) that is anchored directly into the bone of the jaw and that juts out from the gums to serve as a base for anchoring individual crowns, dental bridges or dentures. Once in place, they look and feel as natural as a person’s real teeth and can restore full oral functioning to a person’s mouth. Aesthetically, it is hard to tell the difference between a tooth anchored in place by a dental implant, as opposed to a real tooth.
Although implants may provide the most optimal solution for replacing lost teeth due to decay, disease, extraction or injury, you should know up front that dental implant procedures are generally more expensive initially than other types of cosmetic dental procedures. One thing to note, however, is that since the procedure provides a permanent solution for replacing lost teeth, in the long term it can be an economical solution.
Most people don’t choose to get dental implants because of the economics of the procedure (although they may choose not to go through with the procedure for this reason), but rather select this state-of-the art dental technique due to the permanence it offers in restoring a person’s teeth and the overall look of their smile. In addition to tooth restoration, the placement of dental implants can also help to halt bone loss in the jaw.
Dental implant procedures can be performed by dentists, oral surgeons, prosthodontists or periodontists. In some cases, you may see one type of dental professional for the actual implant procedure (attachment of the titanium anchor in the jaw bone) but then another professional for the making and fitting of the crown, bridge or denture that sits on the implanted anchor. Although many dentists are trained to perform dental implant procedures, it is especially important that you see an experienced dental specialist if the implant needs to be placed near the sinus cavity or a nerve, or if there is extensive bone loss in the jaw. In some cases, bone grafting must be performed first.
Dental implant procedures are not an “instant” solution. There is generally a period of 4 – 6 months of healing that must occur once the titanium anchor is implanted before a permanent tooth can be placed on the anchor. During that time, you will have a temporary tooth placed on the anchor so you will not be without a tooth, but it is important that proper healing occur before a permanent tooth is attached.
For more information about dental implant options, or to schedule a consultation to discuss whether you are a candidate for dental implants in Queens, contact Park Dental Care at 718-274-1515.